At Home Hiking

A Guide to Nature Hiking Videos

for Home Exercise


Recent Virtual Walking Video Reviews

Would You Enjoy Watching a “Slow Virtual Walk” Video

While You Exercise at Home?

Daily exercise is so incredibly important to good health, especially as we age. While using a treadmill, exercise bike, stair stepper or other exercise machine at home, watching a video provides distraction from the tedium of moving without going anywhere. Some people watch television, a movie, or they might listen to music, or talk on the phone. If you have a high-end option that includes a video screen, you may pay to watch videos that way.

Have you thought about watching virtual walks on YouTubeâ„¢ or another video upload website? They are free!*

There are many “proxy walkers” who tape their walks and upload them on YouTube for the enjoyment of others.  I am so grateful their numbers have been growing.  Many people watch them.  But with so many choices, how do you find a video that you will like?  This site will help.

*Some sites, like YouTube™, require a paid subscription to watch without advertisements. 

A healthy lifestyle includes exercise,


healthy sleep patterns

and a healthy group of friends.

–Sophie Gregoire Trudeau

Photo by Ben Maxwell from Pexels
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