man in orange cap in car

Videographer Profile

Videographer Name or Channel with External LinkRunning With Adam

From his first videos, Adam appears to be located in the Maine area.  But he has videos from New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and some other areas.  He posts runs, walks and "strolls".  He usually does not use music except for his beginning.

Videographer Details

ID Detail Description
1 Channel Name Running with Adam
2 Only Walking videos? No
3 Other Types Running
4 Date Joined YouTube 5/25/2020
5 Number of Guides 1
6 Guide(s) Gender Male
7 Name Adam
8 Guide Country USA
9 Guide State Maine
10 Website
11 Facebook
12 Other Video Site Link
13 Channel Number of Videos 55
14 Number of Videos Range Between 31 and 100 videos
15 Posted within 3 months? Yes
16 Playlists? Uses Playlists
17 Other Channels
18 Number of Subscribers Range Between 100 and 1000 Subscribers
19 Camera and Video Types
20 Video Quality High
21 Narration Style Some intro narration
22 Notes Intro Video link:
23 Review Date 4/15/2022
Virtual Hikes by this Videographer