woman in cap in meadow

About the Creator

Kim, the creator of the At Home Hiking website, lives near Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota.  She has lived (at least briefly) in Arizona, California, Germany, Idaho, Illinois, Montana, New Jersey, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Kim likes to explore.  She loves to learn about and see historic sights, find various mountain and forest backroads, meet people of other cultures, and learn new languages. She reads a wide range of material and is an aspiring writer, enjoys working on software, and listens to many podcasts such as “Hidden Brain” with Shankar Vedantam, “Naked Scientists”, “This American Life” with Ira Glass and “On Being” with Krista Tippett.

She bought a treadmill over 20 years ago and she walks nearly every day she is home.  She started walking while watching virtual walking 4K videos in September 2020.