Videographer Profile

Videographer Name or Channel with External Link: City Walks

The City Walks YouTube™ channel is managed by Henry and he uploads more than just walks of cities.  Henry provided At Home Hiking with this additional information:

"I'm a filmmaker by trade. In 2016, we sold our house to go traveling for the year in Europe. Since I couldn't work there, I decided to start another YouTube™ Channel. I love walking as a way to explore and this was an easy thing to share. The channel got popular, and I've continued sharing my walks. We currently base ourselves out of Livingston, MT and travel as much as we possibly can, both regionally and internationally.

My goal is to share these treadmill travel videos to help your work-out with virtual walks and share our travel to and discovery of new places."

Henry posts high quality videos that are some of my favorites. Henry often narrates and provides interesting tidbits of information about the location, flora and fauna.  He rarely uses music.  His videos are usually less than 60 minutes.

5/23/2022 I just discovered City Walks has its own website. It has embedded videos from YouTube™ so you can watch right from his website.  If I find any direct website links to any videos, I will add them to the video review.  City Walks Virtual Travel – Treadmill Travel and Entertainment (

Videographer Details

ID Detail Description
1 Channel Name City Walks
2 Only Walking videos Yes
3 Other Types
4 Date Joined YouTube 4/25/2017
5 Number of Guides Usually 1
6 Name Henry
7 Guide Country US
8 Guide State Montana
9 Website and/or Other Social Media Instagram: @citywalks_virtualtravel; Twitter: @walks_city
10 Facebook
11 Other URL
12 Channel Number of Videos 304
13 Number of Videos Range Over 100 Videos
14 Posted within 3 months? Yes
15 Playlists? Some Playlists
16 Other Channels City Walks 360
17 Number of Subscribers Range Over 10000
18 Camera and Video Types Mostly 4K, Some 360
19 Video Quality Most high quality
20 Narration Style Often Narrates
21 Review Date 3/08/2022
22 Logo Use Approval Date 3/07/2022
Virtual Hikes by this Videographer