Videographer Profile

Videographer Name or Channel with External LinkEnhanced Atmosphere

Videographer Details

The Enhanced Atmosphere YouTube™ Channel only has about 4 walking videos at this time.  He uploads various other types of videos to it including drives, and peaceful nature sounds.  I really enjoyed the walking videos and I hope he will upload more of those.  He is located around Berlin and those videos were filmed in a beautiful forest in the southern area of Germany.

ID Detail Description
1 Channel Name Enhanced Atmosphere
2 Only Walking videos No
3 Other Types Driving, camping, other
4 Date Joined YouTube
5 Number of Guides 1
6 Guide(s) Gender Male
7 Name Merlin
8 Guide Country Germany
9 Guide State
10 Website
11 Facebook
12 Other Video Site Link
13 Channel Number of Videos 30
14 Number of Videos Range Between 10 and 30 videos
15 Posted within 3 months?
16 Playlists? No
17 Other Channels Yes
18 Number of Subscribers Range Between 1001 and 10000 Subscribers
19 Camera and Video Types 4K
20 Video Quality High Quality Video
21 Narration Style
22 Notes Only 4 walking videos. He has other channels under the name Merlin. Located in Berlin.
23 Review Date 9/30/2022
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