Videographer Profile

Videographer Name or Channel with External Link: Eye and I

Eye and I, also called Kathmandu Walk n' Talk on Facebook, posts many videos filmed in Nepal and India.  Kathmandu is a favorite location.  The channel has some created playlists such as Rain Walks, Goa India, Night Walks, Lo-fi for Sleep, Study, & Work, Temple Ambience Sounds, Beach Walks, Kathmandu Lockdown.  If you are interested in Kathmandu, this is a good channel to learn more about the county, temples and streets.

Videographer Details

ID Detail Description
1 Channel Name Eye and I
2 Only Walking videos No
3 Other Types
4 Date Joined YouTube 1/30/2020
5 Number of Guides
6 Guide(s) Gender
7 Name
8 Guide Country Nepal
9 Guide State
10 Website
11 Facebook>
12 Other Video Site Link
13 Channel Number of Videos 473
14 Number of Videos Range Over 100 videos
15 Posted within 3 months? Yes
16 Playlists? Yes
17 Other Channels Uses Playlists
18 Number of Subscribers Range Between 1001 and 10000 Subscribers
19 Camera and Video Types 4K
20 Video Quality High Quality Video
21 Narration Style
22 Notes YouTube lists country as US, but Facebook page was created with name Kathmandu Walk n Talk. Experience Real Life in Kathmandu city with 3D Sounds, through my eyes.
23 Review Date 9/9/2022
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